My First Semester At MiraCosta College

After being motivated to expand my own personal agency, I created this blog using five different assignments in my English 100 class. The class covered a variety of different topics related to expanding my own personal agency while expanding my knowledge about different topics like a growth mindset, self-kindness, binary thinking, echo chambers and meritocracy. For me, spending the time to work on improving my writing is not only a necessary skill that I enjoy developing, but becoming a better writer will assist me in my future endeavors. Reflecting back on where my writing was before taking this class, and how much my writing has improved; I have been able to witness the growth in a few areas in particular. More specifically, I have seen growth in my ability to integrate quotes with more fluency, instead of just plopping in blobs from the different class sources. I learned how to identify and pull the "hot" words from the sources and use my own words to create sentences that flow with my style of writing. 

    Another area that I have been able to see improvement in my writing, is in my ability to think about the audience that I am writing for and designing my work so that it is easy to understand. For example, in my previous paper Developing a Growth Mindset in College, Professor Sullivan challenged my peers and I to introduce our topic to someone who has never heard of it. Fortunately, with the help of Professor Sullivan as well as critiques from my peers I was able to work on some of the flaws in my writing; ultimately, helping me to hone my skills, expand my personal agency in my writing, and developed crucial skills that will improve my writing in the future. 


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